Location: Seaside Stinking Gorgeousness, India

I am AlmostTwentySix.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

haa hee hoo!

havent written since long.
may be i didnt barge into many phonies, or may be there are way too many in number for me to even register.

ok, but, i will register. so well..

at the risk of sounding extremely judgemental and inappropriate, (i dont care, dont like it, dont read it, but i know u will, coz somewhere even u identify, with the being phoney urself or with me).

we in here operate on the presumption that i am not phoney, if u beg to differ, beg on ur own blog. thank you.

and so i thought i would write and write and write about people i sneer at everyday.
but alas the words didnt flow.

i tried again, and nada, nothing. why cant i pen what i dissaprove in my mind so often. why cant i pen what affects my world view, what makes me detest it and withdraw from it.

no, its not vague, for i know i sneer, and i sneer coz i know i dissprove of it.

then why, why cant i pen the abundance of phoneyness i find around me.

i thought, i think..and realize something i dont want to pen, but i should.

may its coz i myself cant decide where i end and phoney starts.

may be i cant decide if i am one or all are it.

may u dont need to know. for u might dissaprove of it one moment, do the same another moment.

it might be called convenience but then, doesnt convenience mean making life easier and thats what most of us want to do.

but then here, i myself am forgetting, the reason why i started writing. it was because phoneyness affected me. and so,it is important to pen what affects me.

i shall. soon. when i can.