Location: Seaside Stinking Gorgeousness, India

I am AlmostTwentySix.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Want the world to know u sneezed....ORKUUT!!

I agree its a good thing to keep in touch, for we are emotional beings and get attached to people/places. Also the idea of meeting the long lost has been romanticized so greatly that a site like orkut becomes like a magnet for the unloved(read people suffering from the attention deficiency syndrome). It allows them to tell people they exist, want to exist for them, let them know their conquests(read the relationship status, professional profile, but also books and passion can be worth a read to understand the conquests). And well then there are the testimonials, testimonial of the fact how many people love them, adore them. Oh yes, not to forget the fan list, and the unending endeavour to make it as long as any one in your friends list or your friend's friend's list!!
Anybody with a slightly sane mind (read unphony) and decent power of observation will be able to guess that both the above are the results of (to put it in less derogatory words) mutual admirations. I agree to the mutual bit of it, for there seems to an unsaid understanding that I will raise you to the pedestal of the fan list god, and the receiver of unaccounted 'honey sweet and adorable testimonials' if you do the same for me. For this reason, I quite dispute the genuine existence of admiration, anyways thats immaterial as long as there is the long fan list and testi list.
And then there is the photo album, that is a pictorial account of the conquests. So there will be your photo, in the best of pose that your unshapely body could strike, at an angle that nobody will be able to notice that bulge or crooked features. And picasa is always there to add the much needed effect. Then there's another one with your partner, and the rest of that conference you attended, that trip to singapore/any phoren land, and any other pic that makes you look like a cousin of bipasha/john.
If the above are not sufficient to open your life like a 'khulli kitab' to the entire world, much to your excitement, there is the very public scrap book. Well the purpose was, to write scarps in it, but as it turns out, its the best forum to make public all that has not been there are most personal stuff written and so wantingly made public, it being the next best forum to carry on the mutual admiration.
But one positive aspect of orkut, which I have figured out after much delibertation is that it promotes world peace. I was, very obviously, the high headed snobbish bitch in school, I think am still in law school, but a reclusive version of the same. And here I was on orkut, replying to people with honey sweet hiiis, how r us' people i never bothered to speak to even in school.
So well, even though it aids to spread the plague of phoneyness, atleast theres love for the unloved and desperate souls. Good going..keep orkutting!!


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